- Nalazite se ovdje:
- Dućan
- Cvijeće
- F
- Sve grupe
- Alstromerija
- Amarilis
- Anemone / Ranunculus
- Anthurium / Strelitzia / Curcuma
- Antirrhinus / Matthiola
- Astra
- Bouvardia
- Božićno cvijeće
- Buket ruža
- Buketi
- Calendula / Margriet / Ginster
- Chamelaucium
- Cymbidium/ Phalaenopsis/ Vanda
- Delphinium
- Dianthus / Dianthus Tros
- Dianthus Barbatus
- Drugi list
- Eryngium
- Eustoma
- Floks
- Frezija
- Gerbera / Germini
- Gladiola
- Grm / drvo
- Gyps / Solidago
- Heliconia
- Hortenzija
- Hypericum
- Iris
- Krizanteme
- Lelien
- Limonij
- Narcis / zumbul / Muscari
- Nutan / Protea / Capes
- Ornithogalum
- Ostalo
- Rozen Ekvador
- Ruže
- Ruže 40 cm
- Suho/pripremljeno
- Syringa / Viburnum
- Tulipani
- Veronika
- Vijenac
- Vrtne ruže
- Zantedeschia
Postoji 9 proizvoda unutar Frezija
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The different colours of Freesias have different scents: from spicy peppery to deliciously sweet. Not for nothing a common scent in personal care products and perfumes. It is wonderfully warm coming home when you are enthusiastically welcomed by the beautiful scent of this long-blooming ornamental flower! Which colour scent is your favourite?
The tuber of the Freesia forms small tubers under the ground, called beads. Such a bead grows into a full-fledged tuber and eventually into a comb of flowers. And even in a vase, the freesia continues to grow happily! The freesia is single-flowered or double-flowered and comes in white, yellow, orange, red, blue, pink and purple. But it can also be bi-coloured or multi-coloured.